07919 214821
020 7536 3142
For all your Replacement Car Keys and Remote Keys, we come to you, or save Money and come to us.
We can supply keys for most models including the following:
Please Note: Most manufacturers' modern immobiliser systems have the added security of an access pin code.
We provide 'replacement' keys for Volvo in Post Codes E and ECA and ECM and ECN and ECR and ECV and IG and N and NC and SE and WB and WC and WD and WF and WG and WH and WJ and WK and WS and WT and WCA and WCB and WCE and WCH and WCN and WCR and WCV and WCX and RM. But, what is a replacement key in fact? Is it a spare key, or is it a key because you have lost all your keys, and now you need another?
It may seem like a curious statement, however it is essential for our local locksmith - CAR KEY MARKET - to know the circumstances. A situation where you have lost all of your keys will inevitably be more expensive than if you have a working key, and what you need is a second key; this is what we call a spare.
Providing you with a key and getting it programmed to start your Volvo if more difficult if you have no keys at all. If you have at least one working key and you need another key (spare), to replace a missing spare key, then this will usually be cheaper than if you have lost your keys. This is because slightly less work is required.
Consumers today have various options to obtain a replacement Volvo key. Of course, a main Volvo dealer is always an option - usually more expensive. A clone key is also an option. We do not recommend these due to some problems which can occur during diagnostic procedures. We strongly recommend that if you are going to have a replacement Volvo key, that you do it properly. Our engineer who covers E and ECA and ECM and ECN and ECR and ECV and IG and N and NC and SE and WB and WC and WD and WF and WG and WH and WJ and WK and WS and WT and WCA and WCB and WCE and WCH and WCN and WCR and WCV and WCX and RM is very experienced and can advise you what is going to be best for you. You can find CAR KEY MARKET's telephone number at the top of this page.
To find out how much a replacement Volvo key is going to cost you, and to answer any other question relating to your car keys, please make sure you have the correct town and post code listed at the top of this page and if not, just use the search box on the top right to input your correct location details.
When you contact one of our engineers, please be sure to provide ALL the information they ask for. They will want to know that your vehicle is a Volvo and also it's model and year. In many cases they will want to know the registration number. If you are contacting us about some other car keys related problem, please be sure to give the person you speak to as much information as possible. Only with all the information can you be provided with a clear indication of price.